Level 4 Meet Registration
About Level 4 Competition
Prior to 1 September 2021, all competitive aquatic meets held in Scotland, involving members from two or more clubs, were required to be licensed by the Scottish Swimming. This was required by Scottish Swimming Governance to allow for the monitoring of competition and to ensure compliance with necessary rules and regulations.
During 2020 and 2021 a comprehensive Competition Review took place and a number of recommendations were made, including the development and introduction of a Competition Framework and some development of the existing Calendar Planning process.
The Competition Review also recommended that barriers created by governance should be reduced or removed for competition where strict regulation is not required.. This would not affect responsibilities for competition organisers or Scottish Swimming for Health and Safety.
To act on the recommendations made, Level 4 competition will be been introduced from 1 September 2021. Level 4 competition does not require a licence to be issued, nor will Level 4 competition be subject to Calendar Planning regulations, however all Level 4 competition must be registered with the relevant District.

What Types of Meets Should be Registered as Level 4 Competition?

Only competition that involves more than one club must be licensed or registered, and it is for the host club to decide which is most appropriate.
Level 4 competition is intended to provide clubs with an unregulated opportunity to run short sessions of low level competition between a small number of clubs for those swimmers and occasions when the times achieved are less important than the racing. Level 4 competition may not be suitable for the needs of all swimmers and is not intended as a replacement for licensing (which will still available at Levels 1, 2 and 3).
Key benefits of Level 4 competition include the flexibility and inclusivity that is afforded by short term planning, low level officiating and the opportunity to race outside of the constraints of National or District Calendars.
For a competition to be registered as a Level 4 Meet, it must satisfy the following:
Maximum of four clubs taking part
A single session for maximum of two hours
Restrictions on any times that are recorded at a Level 4 Meet are as follows:
Times cannot be used for entry into National Events
Times can only be used for District Events at the discretion of the District
If your competition does not satisfy the conditions above and/or any times achieved would be needed for entry into National or District Events then you must apply for a competition licence.
Level 4 competition must be registered prior to the meet taking place. To register your Level 4 competition please complete the form by clicking the Register a Level 4 Meet Button
The Registration Form is very simple and takes less than 5 minutes to complete so there is really no excuse for not completing it. It supports the District and Scottish Swimming to collect information about what competition is taking place which will inform future calendar planning.
If you do run a competitive aquatic meet in Scotland, involving members from two or more clubs which is neither licensed nor registered you will be operating outside Scottish Swimming governance which may invalidate your insurance.
Your meet will be placed in a list of Registered Competition that will be published by the District.
You may also be contacted by the District Licensing Officer after the meet to ask about the competition. No formal report, set of results or lists of technical officials will be required.
If you have any questions about registration or licensing, please contact the Licensing Officer.